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Corporate Philosophy

[Corporate mission: creating value for the community and stakeholders]

1, to continuously establish and improve the production and service system of integrated technology, Green, environmental and health building energy-saving products, provide system solutions for quality of life; 

2. Create value for employees, shareholders and shareholders, upstream and downstream suppliers and distributors, r & D cooperation forces, customers, industry-related organizations and cooperative financial institutions; 

3. To those who have ideals, ambition, ability, willing to grow with the company to provide job opportunities and entrepreneurial arena.

4. As concerned about the growth of the company as concerned about social welfare development; 5. Research and export industry standards for the benefit of our peers.

[Corporate vision: to be the best supplier of Integrated Building Energy Efficiency System Solutions in China]

1. To be an expert in building energy efficiency in China 

2. To be an expert in the prevention and control of indoor pollution in China

3. Ensure that the status of aerosol China leader remains unchanged 

4. Let employees lead a healthy, prosperous, happy and fulfilling life.

[Core values: harmony between man and the environment is paramount]

1. Respect for humanity and individuality, integrity and teamwork

2. Respect for Nature and law, environmental protection, and the benefit of human daily life

3. To help employees and customers grow, achievement, success

4. Self-criticism, innovation and Enterprise 5, humility, work hard.

[Corporate strategy: concentric diversification sustainable management]

1. Adhere to the environmental protection, energy conservation, new materials in the field of concentric diversification sustainable management

2. Adhere to the"Development of a product, start a market, develop a series, drive an industry ideas" 

3. Adhere to the brand, technology, manufacturing, marketing, management and other aspects of investment

4. Adhere to build a platform of resource gathering, sharing, distribution, carrying the company's core competitiveness advantages of sustainable development.

[Business Strategy]

1. Running a business is to manage internal and external relations, operating the life of stakeholders

2. Creating wealth with knowledge, cultivating talents with wealth, using talents to operate capital, using capital to create value, and using value to give back to employees, shareholders, customers and society

3. Train subordinates to be successful and help clients to be successful 

4. Take Plan as the starting point, take result as the guidance, take profit as the core, take process monitoring as the principle, take communication, coordination, guidance and help as the means

5. Law, reason and emotion govern the enterprise, and emotion, reason and law solve the problem.

[Talent concept]

1. The staff is the enterprise's wealth

2. Loyalty, hard-working, eager to learn, selfless staff is the enterprise's valuable wealth

3. Loyal, hard-working, studious, selfless and value-creating employees are the most valuable assets of the enterprise.


1. Business operations must comply with the requirements of social laws

2. Employees are loyal to the enterprise under the premise of self-loyalty, the courage to innovate, willing to contribute.

3. To pay the return, pay there is return

4. Suspect to use, use people to doubt, mutual supervision, common growth

5. In a fair and equitable premise, the interests of customers and suppliers before the interests of the company.

[Company style]

1. Down to Earth step-by-step

2. React quickly and reward and punish clearly

3. Manage on the basis of facts

4. Lead on the basis of values.


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