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Our History


  • Accelerate the whole industry chain layout: the acquisition of photovoltaic industry upstream and downstream assets, to create a whole industry chain layout.


  • High-speed development of power station business: Holding 250MW solar power station, the business coverage of ground type, distributed type, fishing light complementary power station preliminary completion of group three large power station cluster layout.


  • In January 2014, the company invested in Shenzhen Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise Investment Management Co., Ltd.

  • In January 2014, the company's “7CF” brand passed the “Shenzhen Famous Brand” review

  • In February 2014, a wholly-owned subsidiary "Shenzhen Yongsheng New Energy Co., Ltd." was established


  • Won the national invention patent "Environmental Protection Water-based Aerosol Paint and its Preparation Method" and the utility model patent "Bottle Cap with Brush".

  • In February 2013, the standards "Aerosol Safety Production Regulations", "Engine Lubricating System Cleaning Agent", "Throttle Valve Cleaning Agent", and "Intake System Disassembly-Free Cleaning Agent" developed by Caihong Company participated in the Shenzhen Science and Technology R&D Funding Technology Research and Development Plan Technology Standards Research Funding.


  • Won the national invention patent "Water-based Nano Transparent Glass Insulating Coating and its Preparation Method", "Furniture Polishing Care Aerosol Wax with Antibacterial Function and its Preparation Method".

  • August 2012 Shenzhen Xincai Recycled Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was established

  • September 2012 Shenzhen Hongcai New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was established


  • Obtained the national invention patent "Preparation method of acrylic polymer emulsion for water-based metal protective paint".

  • The company's "7CF" trademark passed re-evaluation and won the title of "Shenzhen Famous Brand".

  • The company was rated as “National Outstanding Learning Enterprise Network Business School Demonstration Base”.

  • The company was rated as "Guangdong Province Integrity Demonstration Enterprise".

  • The company was awarded the honor of “Excellent Production Supplier of 2010” in the automotive supplies industry.

  • The company won the title of “2011 Enthusiastic Charitable Enterprise”.

  • The company was rated as one of the “Top Ten Innovative Paint Enterprises in Guangdong”.

  • The company won the honorary title of “Coatings Flagship Enterprise”.

  • The company was awarded the honorary title of “National High-tech Enterprise”.


  • On January 19, Rainbow Refining held the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting of 2010 and the first meeting of the second board of directors. The meeting elected and unanimously approved: Mr. Chen Yongdi was appointed as the company's chairman and general manager. At the same time, eight deputy directors were appointed. General Manager; adjusted the company's functional department structure and established seven major centers. Rainbow Refinement's new strategic plan was clarified and began to be implemented smoothly.

  • From January 27th to February 6th, Rainbow Refinement’s business elites across the country, the marketing center management team, and some of the company’s senior executives conducted a 10-day closed training and exchange at the Shenzhen National Defense Education and Training Base to discuss together and interpret new marketing strategies, discuss and formulate work plans. Chairman Chen Yongdi of Rainbow Refining said at the work symposium that the top priority of domestic marketing work in 2010 is to create a management and operation model for service providers, which not only vigorously develops new service providers but also promotes strong and honest dealers. Service provider, develop into the company's strategic partner; at the same time, fully leverage the advantages of listed companies, sort out the product line structure, speed up the supply chain and logistics, transform the information system, and build Rainbow Refinement into the best integrated system for building energy conservation. solution provider.

  • On February 25, the launch meeting of Rainbow Refinement IT Planning was held grandly. Caihong Refining invites Kingdee's expert team to settle in Caihong Industrial Park to conduct systematic analysis, comprehensive diagnosis and three-dimensional transformation of the company's IT work, providing information support and guarantee for the strategy of building the best system solution provider for integrated building energy conservation. The meeting decided: Rainbow Fine Chemicals will spend tens of millions to carry out the entire information construction project, which will be completed in three years, and is committed to creating an information platform that seamlessly connects various management units and operating links.

  • From March 8th to 14th, General Manager Chen Yongdi of Rainbow Refining led a team to Beijing Narte Insulation and Energy Saving Materials Co., Ltd. for investigation and research. Through the advanced management system and cultural concepts of Rainbow Refining listed companies, it helped the internal management of subordinate enterprises Scientifically reform the operating mechanism, improve the overall management system, ensure the consistency of corporate culture and employment philosophy, and achieve the common development and common growth of the head office and branches. This survey not only brought care and warmth to the subsidiary companies from the headquarters, but also allowed Affiliated enterprises closely follow the strategic pace of the head office and provide necessary guarantees and solid support for the grand cause of Rainbow Refinement's integrated building energy conservation.

  • On April 20, at the annual "Entrepreneur Activity Day" held at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center, Shenzhen Rainbow Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. was once again awarded the honorary title of Guangdong Provincial Integrity Demonstration Enterprise. This is also the continuous success of Rainbow Fine Chemicals Received this honor for the third time.

  • On May 25, the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shenzhen was held grandly. Mr. Chen Yongdi, Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Municipal General Chamber of Commerce (Federation of Industry and Commerce) and Chairman of Rainbow Refining Co., Ltd., sat at the rostrum as an invited guest of the conference, listened to reports and actively contributed ideas to the conference, showing an entrepreneur's concern for Shenzhen The heart of development.

  • On June 29, at the "2010 China Automotive Supplies (Electronics) Industry Brand Conference and the Most Popular Brands by Consumers" awards ceremony held at the Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, Rainbow Refinement's "7CF" won the title of "The Most Popular Brand by Consumers" Favorite beauty care brand" once again proves the strong brand influence of China's well-known trademark "7CF" and the strong corporate competitiveness of Rainbow Refinement.

  • On July 15, the much-anticipated "2010 Top 500 Enterprises in Guangdong Province" list was released and the dust settled. Shenzhen Rainbow Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. was included in the list, ranking 389th.

  • On July 15, the eight major brands of Rainbow Refining, including "7CF", "Rainbow", "Jinglang", "Kelimei", "Jiayuan", "Lanqiao", "Jimei" and "Kukar" Winning the "2009 Best Outstanding Independent Brand in Guangdong Province", Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman and General Manager of Rainbow Refining, won the "2009 Guangdong Province Brand Cultivation Contribution Award" and received relevant certificates and medals.

  • On August 3, Zhang Siping, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of the United Front Work Department, led leaders of the city’s United Front Work Department, Planning and Land Commission, Science, Industry, Trade and Information Technology Committee, General Chamber of Commerce and other departments to visit Caihong Company for on-site investigation and discussions to learn about the development of private enterprises. Assist in solving practical difficulties encountered by enterprises in production and operations. Chairman Chen Yongdi responded to the call of the municipal party committee and the government. The idea of developing a "headquarters economy" was highly recognized by Minister Zhang, and expressed support for Rainbow Company's land use in policy and principle.

  • On November 16, the completion ceremony of the ten major projects in Huizhou Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone in 2010 and the commencement ceremony of the ten major projects were held grandly. As a guest representative of the top ten construction projects, Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman of Rainbow Refining, took a seat at the rostrum. Together with provincial and municipal leaders, he launched the rod pulling ceremony symbolizing the start of the project and attended the reception luncheon. Caihong Refining's new building energy-saving materials project covers an area of 110,000 square meters. After the project is completed, it will become a large-scale production base with an annual output of 200 million cans of aerosols, 1 million square meters of exterior wall insulation and energy-saving coatings, and 50,000 tons of environmentally friendly coatings. It is one of the key measures for Rainbow Refinement to build the best system solution provider for integrated building energy conservation, and is a solid foundation for Rainbow Refinement’s concentric diversified development strategy.

  • In mid-November, Caihong Refining Holdings took control of Green Weikang, a leader in China's indoor pollution prevention and control industry and the largest domestic indoor pollution prevention and control overall solution provider, to develop indoor pollution prevention and control business.

  • On November 30, Rainbow Refining and Shenzhen Green World jointly established and jointly operated Shenzhen Rainbow Green World Biodegradable Materials Co., Ltd. to enter the new field of biodegradable materials. The main business scope of Shenzhen Rainbow Green World is biodegradable material technology development, production, sales and services, etc., with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, of which Rainbow Refining contributed 55 million yuan in cash, accounting for 55% of the total share capital, and Green World invested in cash Contributing 45% of the capital, accounting for 45% of the total share capital.

  • On December 22, the 2011 Product Selection sponsored by "Automobile Magazine" and co-organized by Tencent Auto, Yangcheng Traffic Radio Station, and Baidao Car Alliance was announced in Guangzhou. Rainbow Refined Auto Care Products won the 2011 Recommended Product of "Automobile Magazine" .


  • Following the 2008 Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly promulgated the new "Measures for the Management of High-tech Enterprise Recognition" (Guokefahuo [2008] No. 172) and the "Guidelines for the Management of High-tech Enterprise Recognition" (Guokefahuo [2008] No. 172) 2008] No. 362), after multiple rigorous review agendas such as enterprise application, expert review, joint review by science and technology and finance and taxation departments, and social publicity, in early January, the National High-tech Enterprise Certification Office officially awarded Rainbow Refining "National High-tech Enterprise" "Honorary title (certificate number: GR200844200103); it marks that the company's status in the field of science and technology has taken another big step forward, and its technical strength is far ahead in the industry.

  • On April 22, the Guangdong Provincial Enterprise Federation and the Guangdong Provincial Entrepreneurs Association jointly awarded the company the title of "Guangdong Provincial Integrity Demonstration Enterprise", becoming the company that has won this honor for three consecutive years.

  • On May 22, the 10th anniversary celebration of the Shenzhen Small and Medium Enterprises Development Promotion Association and the 4th First Member Congress were held at Wuzhou Hotel. Rainbow was awarded the two honors of Shenzhen’s “Top 100 Innovations” and “Growth Star” .

  • On May 12, Comrade Ou Jianhua, deputy secretary-general of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress, visited Rainbow to commend the Rainbow Party branch for its remarkable achievements in implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development.

  • On May 26, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the launch of the China Small and Medium-sized Board, the "Third China Small and Medium-sized Board Listed Companies Value Selection" award ceremony jointly sponsored by the Securities Times and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange was successfully held in Shenzhen. Rainbow Fine Chemicals, together with 50 outstanding listed companies such as Suning Appliances and Joyoung, won the title of "Top 50 Most Valuable Companies Listed on the Third China Small and Medium-sized Board"; at the same time, Comrade Li Huachun, secretary of the company's board of directors, was rated as one of the "Top 50 Most Valuable Companies Listed on the Third China Small and Medium-sized Board". "Excellent Secretary to the Board of Directors of Listed Companies". This selection event is based on the comprehensive scores of hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of financial indicators, corporate governance, investment relations, etc., and after voting by netizens and shareholders, it is finally evaluated by an expert review committee. The strong growth power of the winning company, The expert group expressed high recognition.

  • With the company’s multiple patented invention technologies and excellent market performance in the field of coatings, as of the end of June, a number of well-known domestic companies, including Excellence Real Estate, World Trade Real Estate, and Great Wall Real Estate, have officially established long-term strategic cooperation with Caihong, further highlighting the Rainbow's core advantages in the field of architectural coating.

  • On June 28, the 2008 Outstanding Independent Brand Commendation Conference of Guangdong Province was held in Guangzhou, jointly organized by the Guangdong Enterprise Federation, the Entrepreneur Association, etc. The company’s parent brand 7CF won the award at all levels with years of market experience and the vitality of continuous innovation. The jury unanimously recognized it and was rated as one of the top ten outstanding independent brands together with ten well-known companies in Guangdong such as Guangzhou Metro and Yili.

  • On September 29, the 17th meeting of the company's first board of directors formally reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the Consideration of the Acquisition of Partial Equity Interests in Beijing Nart Insulation and Energy Saving Materials Co., Ltd. and the Subscription for Capital Increase."

  • On October 16, the company's second extraordinary shareholders' meeting in 2009 unanimously voted to acquire 45.7% of the equity of Beijing Narte Insulation and Energy Saving Materials Co., Ltd. for 100.26 million yuan. After the acquisition is completed, it will unilaterally subscribe to the insulation company for 28.8 million yuan. The capital increase increased the equity ratio to 52%, thereby achieving full control. This marked the strong start of the company's overall development strategy and made further progress.

  • On November 10, the Guangdong Enterprise Innovation Achievements Release and Commendation Conference, co-organized by the Guangdong Enterprise Federation and the Entrepreneurs Association, was grandly held in Guangdong. The meeting commended a total of 523 innovation record awards to 186 companies, including Caihong Company. Among them, Caihong Refining was recognized as “the first listed company in China’s aerosol industry” and “the domestic market share of annual aerosol paint production and sales”. "First" and "domestic first for heavy-duty anti-corrosion coating (strong zinc) products" were successfully listed on the list, and all three records reached national standards, which once again reflects the company's core advantages in independent innovation and market share.

  • On December 12, the 2009 Commendation Conference for the Most Core Competitive Enterprises in Guangdong Province, co-organized by the Guangdong Entrepreneurs Association and the Enterprise Federation, was held in Guangzhou. Shenzhen Caihong Company, Guangdong Power Grid Company, Zhuhai Gree Electric and other 30 companies won the title of "The Most Core Competitive Enterprise in Guangdong Province in 2009".


  • In February, the People's Government of Bao'an District, Shenzhen City awarded Rainbow the title of "Top 100 Private Enterprises in Bao'an District, Shenzhen City for 2007-2008".

  • In March, Rainbow's national tour technical service activities were launched.

  • In April, the fifth "Shenzhen Famous Brand" award ceremony was held grandly at Shenzhen Radio and Television Group, and the company's brand "7CF" once again won the crown.

  • In April, Shenzhen Baoan District Science and Technology Bureau reviewed and identified 8 companies, including Rainbow Refining, as district intellectual property advantageous enterprises.

  • On April 16, the Issuance Review Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission formally reviewed and approved Rainbow Refining’s stock issuance application.

  • On June 25, the stock listing ceremony of Rainbow Refining, known as the “No. 1 stock in China’s aerosol industry,” was held grandly at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  • In July, Rainbow aerosol paint products completed comprehensive testing, and all products met the "ROHS" standard.

  • In August, PetroChina Sichuan Lubricant Factory officially signed a strategic cooperation relationship with Caihong.

  • In August, the classic book "Automobile Beauty and Maintenance" written by the company was officially published by Haitian Publishing House.

  • In August, Zhou Linxiang, secretary of the Shenzhen Baoan District Party Committee, led a research team to inspect Rainbow Industrial City and paid close attention to the company's development.

  • In October, the selection of “Top 10 Most Influential People in Shenzhen Business” was officially announced: Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman of the Company, and Zhang Xuebin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Skyworth Group, and other 10 well-known the entrepreneur won the title of "Top Ten Most Influential Figures in Shenzhen Business in the Second Session".

  • In October, the Shenzhen Rainbow Party Branch Committee of the Communist Party of China held a general election meeting, which elected Comrade Zhang Jianxin to be re-elected as branch secretary.

  • In October, two national standards drafted by the company - "Aerosol Grade n-Butane (A-17)" (GB/T 22024-2008) and "Aerosol Grade Propane" (A-108)" (GB/T 22026-2008) was approved and implemented by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China and the National Standardization Administration Committee.

  • In December, the "Shenzhen's 100 Outstanding Entrepreneurs to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up" competition was grandly announced: Chen Yongdi, Chairman of Rainbow Company, and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Company President Ren Zhengfei, China Merchants Bank President Ma Weihua, ZTE Chairman Hou Weigui and other 100 outstanding entrepreneurs were honored.


  • In January, Caihong successfully completed the shareholding reform: Shenzhen Caihong Environmental Protection Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. officially changed its name to Shenzhen Caihong Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.

  • In March, the "Packaging Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China - Aerosol Paint" (Standard No. BB/T0047-2007) compiled by Caihong Company as the team leader unit was completed. The project was successfully approved by the National Development and Reform Commission.

  • In April, the company donated 500,000 yuan to Dakang Primary School in Longgang, Shenzhen.

  • In July, the single-component polyurethane foam material and manufacturing method (patent number: ZL 99 122323.3), insecticidal latex paint and its manufacturing method independently developed and produced by Caihong

  • The three products are the preparation method (Patent No.: ZL 2004 10008371.0) and the formaldehyde-removing latex paint and its preparation method (Patent No.: ZL 2004 10008372.5) successfully obtained the invention patent certificate issued by the State Intellectual Property Office.

  • In July, the 9th Committee Meeting of the Guangdong Youth Federation was held, and Chairman Chen Yongdi was elected as the Vice Chairman of the 9th Committee of the Guangdong Youth Federation.

  • In July, the 2006-2007 National Automotive Supplies Industry Annual Selection and Award Ceremony was held in Zhengzhou. Rainbow won the two titles of "Excellent Brand" and "Excellent Supplier" in one fell swoop grand Prize; Company Chairman Chen Yongdi won the honor of "Outstanding Entrepreneur".

  • In July, at the "Harmonious China Contribution of Guangdong Businessmen" high-level forum held by CCTV, Chen Yongdi, president of the Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Association and chairman of the company, attended the forum forum and give a speech.

  • In August, the “Celebration of the 20th Anniversary and Awards Ceremony of the China Private Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association” was held in the Great Hall of the People. Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman of the Company, served as a private citizen representatives of private science and technology entrepreneurs gave a speech titled "Working together to create new glories for China's private science and technology."

  • In August, Rainbow won the title of Shenzhen’s leading private enterprise.

  • In August, the third meeting of the 10th Member Congress of the Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) was held, and the company’s chairman Chen Yongdi was elected as an executive member of the federation vice president of the meeting.

  • On September 1, the "Packaging Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China - Aerosol Paint" standard compiled by Caihong Company as the leader unit was implemented nationwide.

  • In September, the company donated 100,000 yuan to the Guangdong Province Cantonese Opera Fund.

  • In September, Caihong Company was rated as an Integrity Enterprise in the Paint Industry of Guangdong Province.

  • In October, the enterprise trade union was formally established.

  • In December, the company donated 1 million yuan to the Guangdong Youth Volunteer Development Fund.

  • In December, Caihong won another 1 million yuan Chinese well-known trademark award from the Baoan District Government.


  • Caihong Company’s “Hongcai Lijia” store promotion conference and green home decoration “Seven Steps” experience conference were held across the country.

  • Caihong Company obtained the "Safety Production License" from the State Administration of Work Safety.

  • Caihong Company participated in the "Experience Exchange Meeting on Creating a Harmonious Enterprise". Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman of Caihong Company, delivered a speech at the meeting: "Rainbow shines brightly, and the industry enriches the people Playing Harmony" special speech.

  • Caihong Company was rated as an A-level enterprise with environmental integrity.

  • Caihong Company won the title of “Excellent Supplier”.

  • The Shenzhen Small and Medium Enterprises Development Promotion Association held a grand commendation meeting. The mayor of Shenzhen personally congratulated the directors of Rainbow Company who were awarded the permanent honorary president of the Promotion Association Chairman Mr. Chen Yongdi presented the certificate of honor. At the same time, Rainbow Company also won the title of "Outstanding Small and Medium Enterprises Award".

  • Caihong Company won a provincial famous brand product award of RMB 300,000.

  • The 8th Member Congress of the Guangdong Young Entrepreneurs Association was held. Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, became the first young person of the Guangdong Young Entrepreneurs Association Entrepreneur President.

  • Caihong Company's 7CF trademark was awarded the title of "China's Well-known Trademark".

  • Formaldehyde-removing paint and insecticidal paint have obtained national invention patents.

  • The mayor of Shenzhen City personally awarded the “China Famous Trademark” bonus of 1 million yuan.

  • The new brand of automotive environmental protection and energy-saving products "Jimei" has launched its full range of products.

  • The annual ordering meeting and thank-you reception for national dealers was grandly held in Guangzhou.

  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman of Rainbow Company, visited Japan’s industry champion Toyo and the runner-up Daizo, and had in-depth exchanges with all members of their board of directors to discuss the technology market and talent cooperation issues.


  • Caihong Company's Kelimei trademark was rated as a famous trademark in Guangdong Province.

  • The National Ideological and Political Work Conference of Private Enterprises was held in Hangzhou. "Rainbow Communications" founded by Rainbow Company won the "National Outstanding Editor" award.

  • The Shenzhen Academic Reporting Conference of National Academicians and Experts on New Chemical Materials, co-organized by Rainbow Company, was held in Shenzhen.

  • The fourth meeting of the 9th Executive Committee of the Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce was grandly held in Guangzhou Zhudao Hotel. "Rainbow Communication" founded by Rainbow Company won the title of "Excellent Journal of Guangdong Private Enterprises".

  • Caihong Company participated in the first China Trademark Festival and Chinese and Foreign Trademark Expo.

  • The Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference delegation led by Vice Chairman Wang Zhaolin visited Caihong Company for inspection.

  • Caihong Company’s 7CF trademark won the title of “Shenzhen Famous Brand”.

  • Caihong Company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management system re-evaluation certification.

  • Caihong Company won the title of “Shenzhen Customer Satisfaction Service Star Unit”.

  • Caihong Company signed a cooperation agreement with Japan's Takehara.


  • Caihong Company’s “point-to-point” health expert store grandly opened.

  • Caihong Company has passed the "3C" certification of solvent-based wood coatings.

  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, won the title of “Outstanding Entrepreneur”.

  • Caihong Company's two major series of products have passed China Environmental Labeling Certification.

  • Caihong's "7CF" trademark was rated as a famous trademark in Guangdong Province.


  • The annual meeting of private and small and medium-sized enterprises was held in Shenzhen, and Rainbow Company won the "Outstanding Enterprise Award".

  • Caihong Company was rated as “Excellent Private Enterprise with Integrity and Law-abiding Operations”.

  • Caihong Company’s 7CF series products won the title of “Guangdong Province Famous Brand Product”.

  • Caihong Company won the title of “Shenzhen’s Fifth Largest Law-abiding Taxpayer”.

  • The "Aerosol Safety Manual" edited by Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Caihong Company, held its world premiere.

  • Caihong Company won the title of “2002 Baoan District Top 100 Excellent Industrial and Commercial Enterprises”.

  • Caihong Company's water-based polyurethane material project successfully passed the appraisal of the expert group.

  • The 2002 Shenzhen Economic and Trade Work Conference was held, and Caihong Company won the titles of "2002 Little Giant Enterprise" and "2002 Excellent and Strong Small and Medium Enterprises".

  • Caihong Company won the title of Information Demonstration Unit.

  • Caihong Company was awarded the title of AAA Enterprise with Quality Service Reputation in China.


  • Caihong Company was awarded the title of "China's Outstanding Private Technology Enterprise" by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the China Private Technology Industry Association.

  • Caihong Company Technology Center was rated as “Shenzhen Enterprise Technology Center” by the Shenzhen Municipal Government.

  • Caihong Company won the title of “Quality Progress Award”.

  • Caihong Company has passed ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management system certification.

  • Caihong Company's series of products were awarded the title of "Green Decoration Products" by the China Interior Decoration Association.

  • Caihong Company’s Shiyan Production Base won the title of “Garden-style and Excellent Garden Industrial Zone”.

  • The results of Rainbow Company’s QC team won the Municipal Excellence Award.

  • Chen Yongdi, Chairman of Rainbow Company, participated in the "2002 Private Technology Enterprise Management Seminar" and gave a special lecture entitled "Management Innovation Promotes Enterprise Development" at the meeting speech on the topic.

  • Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, was elected as a standing member of the CPPCC.


  • Caihong Company was rated as an advanced unit in fire protection work.

  • Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, was named the 8th Top Ten Outstanding Young People in Shenzhen.

  • Caihong Company was rated as one of the top ten science and technology demonstration units in Shenzhen.

  • University of Science and Technology of China-Rainbow New Materials Engineering Technology Development Center was officially established.

  • Caihong Company was rated as an advanced unit in quality work.

  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, won the China Private Technology Industrialist Rookie Award.

  • Caihong Company strengthens cooperation with the University of Science and Technology of China on key projects.


  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, was elected as the vice chairman of the 8th Guangdong Provincial Youth Federation.

  • Caihong Company won the second prize of Shenzhen Modern Management Innovation Achievement Award.

  • Caihong Company was rated as a designated scientific and technological development and production base by the National Building Materials Administration.

  • Caihong Company passed China Environmental Labeling Certification.

  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, was elected as a member of the third CPPCC.

  • Caihong Company was rated as an advanced enterprise in environmental protection.

  • Caihong Company held an authorization ceremony for overseas dealers.

  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, chairman of Rainbow Company, won the 3rd Shenzhen Youth Science and Technology Gold Award.

  • Mr. Chen Yongdi, Chairman of Rainbow Company, won the 2nd Bauhinia Cup China Outstanding Entrepreneur Achievement Award.


  • Caihong Company became a member of the National High-tech Industrialization Cooperation Organization.

  • Caihong Company was rated as a civilized enterprise in Shenzhen by the Shenzhen Municipal Government.

  • Caihong Company was rated as a high-tech enterprise in Shenzhen, becoming the first high-tech enterprise in the same industry in Shenzhen.

  • The "Caihong Newsletter" sponsored by Caihong Company was officially launched and published.

  • Three products including Caihong Company's aerosol paint were approved to adopt international standard product mark certification.

  • Caihong Company obtained European Internet Quality System Certification.

  • Caihong Company has passed ISO9001 international quality assurance system certification.

  • The Rainbow Industrial City covering an area of 50,000 square meters was officially completed and put into use.


  • Caihong Company was officially registered and established.


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