1. There is grease, watermark, or dirt on the base material;
2. Base metal surface too velvet or without polishing;
3. Old prime aging, pulverization and crackle.
How to use:
1. Clean thoroughly the surface;
2. Use sand paper to polish metal surface;
3. Removed aged paint and re-spray the surface paint.
1. The surface is unclear, oil, wax, water, dust and so on may cause bubble phenomenon;
2. The surrounding environment is too humid.
1. Prime and surface paint not match, flexibility and rigidity grade too large;
2. Spray surface paint before prime paint dry;
3. Spray surface paint too thick;
4. Old prime aging, pulverization, and crackle.
How to use:
1. Ensure prime and surface paint can be matched, add middle paint if necessary;
2. Clean the aged prime and re-spray surface paint.
1. Unclean surface
2. Polluted environment such as too much dir on the ground and in the air;
3. Other polluted source like the operator's body, or dirt on the covering newspaper.
How to use:
1. Clean totally the surface;
2. Ensure clean environment and air;
3. Remove all possible polluting source;
4. Block surface which will produce dirt.
1. Paint coat too thick;
2. Poor self-dry conditions such as low temperature, high humidity, or over-ventilated.
3. Polluted air or poor-ventilated environment.
How to use:
1. Avoid spraying too thick;
2. Guarantee the fresh air and normal temperature and humidity in the spraying environment.
1. Prime and surface paint not match;
2. Spray surface paint before prime paint dry;
3. Spray paint coat too thick for the first time.
How to use:
1. Avoid spraying directly to the oil-based single-ingredient paint film.
2. Spray brown paint between unmatched prime and surface paint;
3. Spray thinly several times and keep plenty of dry time when spraying.
1. The humidity of the surrounding environment too large (≥80%);
2. The weather too cold.
How to use:
1. Avoid spraying in rainy, humid, high, or low-temperature weather.
2. Spray quickly 7CF Retarder on the white area.
1. Distance between valve nozzle and object to near;
2. Valve nozzle moving speed too low;
3. Poor-ventilated environment during use;
4. Dry time not enough during different layers.
5. Surface clean not enough.
How to use:
1. Keep proper spraying distance (15-25cm);
2. Keep normal moving speed (30-60cm/s);
3. Keep a well-ventilated environment;
4. Set drying time (3-10min) for different layer according to temperature;
5. Ensure a clean surface before spraying.
1. Spray distance from the object too far or too near;
2. Uneven frosted paint solvent;
3. Spray too thick or thin for the first time.
How to use:
1. Master the right use method;
2. Shake can vigorously for one minute after mixing ball rattles or warm properly;
3. Pressing with forefinger with even strength and ensure the spraying rate steady and even.
4. Low-grade orange peel: Use sand paper above P1500 and wax to polish after paint dry to solid, severe orange peel: Use sand paper above P800 after paint dry to solid and re-spray.
1. Haven’t shake absolutely before use;
2. Aerosol can body incline angle too large during use, which makes the spraying with too much gas and dilutes the paint;
3. surrounding temperature too low and poor ventilation;
4. Spray too thick for the first time.
How to use:
1. Use under room temperature;
2. Master the right use method;
3. Avoid upside-down spray and inclined spray;
4. Avoid using in overcast and rainy, humid, freezing weather.
1. Inverse the aerosol can during spraying;
2. Aerosol can body incline more than 45°during spraying;
3. Storage too long and exceed the Guarantee period.
4. The curving direction of the valve tube on the contrary.
How to use:
1. Avoid inverse the aerosol can during spraying;
2. Avoid incline can body more the 45°;
3. Attention the Guarantee period;
4. When the remaining paint is around 20%, and feel the thickness is not enough (spray out mostly propellant), turn the valve nozzle 180° and use it again.
1. After use, forgotten clean spray valve;
2. Upside down or side down during storage, which causes the paint deposit to block the valve.
3. Shake can too short or didn’t shake during use.
4. Shake too hard to break the glass ball to block the valve.
How to use:
1. Shake can vigorously for one minute after mixing ball rattles and shake occasionally during use;
2. After use, clean the spray valve by turning the can upside down and spray until only pressure escapes.
3. Be sure not upside down or side down during storage.
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